Fast Travel Is Currently Unavaliable From This Location


13 November, 2015 @ 11:46am

"fast travel is currently unavailable from this location"

Can't fast travel after killing Kellogg, no enemies shut to me, no overweight, i'one thousand not inside of building. how can i fix this?

Showing one-15 of 31 comments

Yous tried reseting the game or going for a min or 2? waiting for a small time? considering afterwards kellog is dead the BoS's Air transport arives and it is a "cutscene" you sentry for a min. and so yous can fast travel.


13 Nov, 2015 @ 11:52am

Originally posted by Darkflashz:

You tried reseting the game or going for a min or 2? waiting for a small fourth dimension? considering afterward kellog is dead the BoS's Air transport arives and it is a "cutscene" yous spotter for a min. then you can fast travel.

i played a several houvers later that, nothing changed

Well.. While you lot wait for a patch, y'all have a couple of options.
1) expect for someone here on the forums to save the day
ii) re-install your game? (Backup saves)
iii) get a GF

Information technology doesn't piece of work, i tried information technology on PC and it wont help :(

Last edited past b3nder; xviii November, 2015 @ 1:07am

accept you tried forceing your self to telaport via console commands
id sugest saveing if you lot try this

I tried with resting, it doesn't piece of work.

Simple google foo using your get-go utternce found this link. (via reddit thread)
"fast travel is currently unavailable

https://world wide

I hope that is the aforementioned result and fixes information technology for you lot peoples.
Talk about your esoteric bugs. Its a fun 1.

Last edited by Uzi [OTG]; 18 Nov, 2015 @ ii:30am

Originally posted past TaiRex:

Dunno if information technology causes aforementioned issue but aforementioned thing happened to me afterwards i went to "Listening Post Bravo" and this helped
Maybe it wont assistance you but try it

This guy already posted that, and as i said i already tried information technology, on the PC, information technology doesn't work...

Concluding edited by b3nder; 18 November, 2015 @ 2:48am

Here is a solution for me, this works!!!

Originally posted by Mauxx666:

I was getting stuck with no fast travel after completing the Kellogg mission so I dug effectually and found this.
During normal gameplay (not VATS, terminal, convo, etc), open up the console and type "DumpInputEnableLayers" without the quotes of class.
In the data dump (shouldn't be large,mine was simply 2 lines) look for Disabled Layers and for the Fast Travel Disabled line. Information technology should have an integer number after it. Mine was 0.
Blazon "ResetInputEnableLayer #" without the quotes and where # = to the layer that mentioned Fast Travel Disabled.
Yous should at present exist able to fast travel again. I believe the game runs a script to stop yous from beingness able to do something similar traveling or shooting during cut scenes and such and so the script is supposed to be removed later on but in some cases it isn't, and then this should do it.

Final edited by b3nder; 19 Nov, 2015 @ 6:50am

Originally posted by jeras:

Hither is a solution for me, this works!!!

Originally posted by Mauxx666:

I was getting stuck with no fast travel after completing the Kellogg mission so I dug around and found this.
During normal gameplay (not VATS, terminal, convo, etc), open upward the console and type "DumpInputEnableLayers" without the quotes of course.
In the information dump (shouldn't be large,mine was only 2 lines) look for Disabled Layers and for the Fast Travel Disabled line. Information technology should accept an integer number after it. Mine was 0.
Type "ResetInputEnableLayer #" without the quotes and where # = to the layer that mentioned Fast Travel Disabled.
You should now be able to fast travel again. I believe the game runs a script to stop y'all from being able to do something like traveling or shooting during cutting scenes and such and then the script is supposed to be removed after but in some cases it isn't, so this should do it.

This worked for me, cheers so much. Been travelling with console commands for days now.

Originally posted by jeras:

Here is a solution for me, this works!!!

Originally posted by Mauxx666:

I was getting stuck with no fast travel subsequently completing the Kellogg mission and so I dug around and establish this.
During normal gameplay (non VATS, final, convo, etc), open up the panel and blazon "DumpInputEnableLayers" without the quotes of form.
In the data dump (shouldn't be large,mine was only ii lines) wait for Disabled Layers and for the Fast Travel Disabled line. Information technology should take an integer number after information technology. Mine was 0.
Blazon "ResetInputEnableLayer #" without the quotes and where # = to the layer that mentioned Fast Travel Disabled.
You should at present be able to fast travel once again. I believe the game runs a script to end you from being able to exercise something like traveling or shooting during cut scenes and such and and so the script is supposed to be removed after but in some cases it isn't, and then this should do it.

For some reason it doesnt work for me, it keeps saying "Unknow variable "Fast" for parameter"

Originally posted past jeras:

Here is a solution for me, this works!!!

Originally posted by Mauxx666:

I was getting stuck with no fast travel after completing the Kellogg mission so I dug effectually and found this.
During normal gameplay (not VATS, final, convo, etc), open up the panel and blazon "DumpInputEnableLayers" without the quotes of course.
In the data dump (shouldn't be large,mine was only 2 lines) look for Disabled Layers and for the Fast Travel Disabled line. It should accept an integer number after it. Mine was 0.
Type "ResetInputEnableLayer #" without the quotes and where # = to the layer that mentioned Fast Travel Disabled.
You should now be able to fast travel once more. I believe the game runs a script to stop you from being able to practise something similar traveling or shooting during cut scenes and such and then the script is supposed to be removed after merely in some cases information technology isn't, so this should exercise it.

totally worked for me, thanks ^^

Showing 1-15 of 31 comments

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